Further Fasters Camping with Dogs Day

camping with dogs in new zealand


Further Fasters Tramping and Camping with Dogs (or kids, or house mates or solo!) iSolution adventure starts during Lock Down in New Zealand... this is the chance to take your dog camping... and see what it is all about! 

Yep back country style camping at home. Bring your 'Bubble' and have a rad adventure at home. 

Note sure how to start? I made a cheat sheet for you below... You can down load it and start planning... 

Rocky, Badger and I have starting putting a route together, using google maps, we are going to explore 4 different parks within walking distance of our home. The catch being we will pack our tramping packs and go hiking with them too... got to make it as realistic as possible!


  1. Choose the dates of your expedition, Further Faster has nominated April 18th as the National Camping in your back yard day!
  2. Check your maps and choose your route. Is it a quest to conquer your back yard? An expedition through your local park? Or a safari of local streets?
  3. Check your gear and gather supplies (don’t forget your hand sanitiser). This is an overnight mission so be prepared!!
  4. Make sure you log your route on Adventure Folks of Further Faster Facebook group and tag #mountaindogchallenge and #furtherfasternz so you don’t get lost in the wilds of suburbia!
  5. Check the weather forecast… metservice / yr.no / or dodgy apple weather… Be prepared!
  6. Double check the latest Covid 19 and lockdown requirements… make any expedition changes required! https://covid19.govt.nz
  7. Carry your route (phone will be fine) to explain to people who may question where you are going... keeping it local key! No cars allowed.
  8. Begin your expedition. Make a photo diary and log your progress. Remember social distance, your bubble AND DON’T TOUCH ANYTHING! It is wild out there folks… really wild!!
  9. Once you have made it to BASECAMP (your yard), set up your tent, sleeping bags, head torches and all the other camping gear you have taken with you.
  10. Make dinner (Local Dehy or Absolute Wilderness anyone? Feel free to share your best camp recipe) and be prepared to share some ghostly campfire (real fire not recommended at this time) stories!
  11. Try and get some shut eye… but beware of the hedgehogs, possums and local cats!
  12. Time for an alpine start…. Sunrise coffee for the early birds!
  13. Day two am... will you take it easy or explore a new route?
  14. Time to wrap things up and head back to the comforts of home.
  15. Tell us all about your adventure on social media, make your friends jealous about the table in the yard you climbed over or the new street you walked down and the back-country camping trip of a life time!

Your can download this and print below if you like too...


Thanks and have fun guys!! Badger and I are looking forward to seeing all your adventures! 

camping with dogs nz